
Why Might Radiation Therapy Increase Cancer Risk?

Along with chemotherapy, radiation therapy is a common method for treating cancer; nearly half of patients receive the therapy, which uses loftier-energy radiation to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells, during the course of their handling.

While radiation therapy is effective against cancer cells, information technology too leaves its mark on any normal cells it comes into contact with, due to the x-rays and high-energy particles that enter the torso during treatment.

This means that – in rare cases – radiation therapy may increase the risk of patients contracting a second, unrelated cancer later in life, depending on the amount of radiation given, the part of the body exposed to radiations therapy, other treatments received at the fourth dimension, and the patient's full general medical condition.

I case is lymphoma and breast cancer. Women who receive radiation therapy to their chest equally part of treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma accept a greater chance of developing chest cancer afterward in life. Those who receive radiation at a younger historic period – as children or adolescents – are generally more probable to develop secondary cancers later in life.

2nd cancers can also sometimes occur after chest cancer treatment. Occasionally, lung cancers may develop just beneath the treated breast, or rare cancers called angiosarcomas can develop in the blood and lymphatic vessels exposed to radiation during breast therapy.

Although radiation therapy may in rare cases contribute to patients developing a second cancer, the benefits most ever outweigh the chance. Radiations oncologists will consider any risks before prescribing radiations therapy to a patient, and researchers continue to develop new technologies to minimize radiations exposure to non-cancerous cells.

David Kozono, Physician, PHD, a radiation oncologist at Dana-Farber, weighs a number of factors when he is because radiations therapy for a patient.

"I ask myself whether radiation therapy is the best available treatment for each patient, either alone or in combination with other cancer therapies," he explains "When I can, I base of operations my recommendations on studies that bear witness radiation therapy improves survival, prevents or delays relapses, or improves quality of life, compared to non giving it. Every bit a specialty, nosotros have been working to identify patients who tin safely omit radiation therapy and therefore its risks, including secondary cancers."

Those patients who receive radiations should talk to their doctors virtually their risk of developing another cancer down the line. If they have a higher risk, they may exist screened for related cancers, such as breast cancer for Hodgkin survivors, earlier and more often. Cancer survivorship programs can likewise help patients live well after radiations treatment by monitoring and manage their risk, and providing screening and prevention information.

Why Might Radiation Therapy Increase Cancer Risk?,


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