
How To Make Labels From Excel To Word

How to motility a table from Excel into Discussion without fault

Make calculations and describe upwards a tabular array more than conveniently in Excel if you want to work with numeric data. In fact the program is a table. Discussion for such work is non quite fit.

Only sometimes yous have to migrate from an Excel tabular array to Discussion. Also you lot may need to catechumen filled data. Converting from ane format to another is unproductive and takes too much time. There should be another mode.

How to motion a table from Excel to Give-and-take?

The start method.

  1. We accept a tabular array with three columns and five rows. The boundaries are set.
  2. The boundaries are set.
  3. Select the information range. Click Re-create in the main card. Alternatively use the fundamental combination Ctrl + C. Also you may select table and click the right mouse button. Than choose and click «Re-create».
  4. Copy.
  5. Open the Give-and-take List. In the primary menu use «Paste» tool. Select the «Paste Special».
  6. Paste Special.
  7. We fix the parameters of a special paste. «Paste Link» - «Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object». Check is the source for insert selected correctly. Click OK.

Paste Link.

The result of our work:

The result of our work.

This method has some drawbacks:

  • table inserted as a graphic object that is it cannot exist edited.
  • border spreadsheets may extend across the sail.

The second method.

  1. Select a table in MS Excel. Re-create information technology to the clipboard.
  2. Open up MS Discussion. Click «Paste» or use the key combination CTRL+V (Shift+Ins). The result is next:

The result is next.

We tin can edit the data, change borders, font values and format.

This method of insertion has i meaning drawback. Table with a large amount of data goes beyond the sheet.

The 3rd method.

  1. Go to the tab «INSERT» in In Word sail. We demand the carte «Text» and the tool «Object».
  2. Object.
  3. Select «Create from File» in the dialog box. Click «Scan» to find the text file Prodic1.txt.
  4. Create from File.
  5. In the «File name:» line will be its data when the desired object will be found. Click OK.

File name.

The inserted table is a graphical object. You cannot edit the values in the cells.

You should first remove borders to insert a range of data without boundaries.

In MS Excel:

In MS Excel.

Or employ a combination of keys CTRL + SHIFT + (minus).

In MS Word:

In MS Word.

If y'all desire to manipulate the boundaries must be inserted with the 1 and 2 method.

How to catechumen a table from Word to Excel?

We'll perform a contrary transfer.

Method 1.

  1. Select a tabular array in MS Word. Click «Re-create» CTRL+C.
  2. CTRL+C.
  3. Open MS Excel. Put the mouse in the place where the table should appear. Click «Paste» subsequently right click.


We have a "keen" table. Therefore it inserted smoothly and accurately. If the information were filled ugly with a lot of extra characters (non-printable) so the row and column boundaries may shift. There are 2 outputs to escape from this state of affairs:

  1. Make clean the information manually. If there are a lot of recurring characters you can use AutoCorrect Options.
  2. Relieve the spreadsheet equally text (in txt format). In this case all the actress characters will be deleted. Then insert the data from the txt to Excel.

Method 2.

  1. Select the table in Word. Menu «Tabular array TOOL» - «LAYOUT» - the tool «Catechumen to Text». In the parameters of the transformation choose «Tabs».
  2. Convert to Text.
  3. Go to the main menu – «Save equally» - «Save equally type». Cull file type «Plain Text (*.txt)».
  4. Save as type.
  5. Open Excel. «Data» tab. «Become External Information» - «From Text».
  6. From Text.
  7. Now detect the saved file. Click «Open». And then the «Text Import Wizard» opens.
  8. Text Import Wizard.
  9. Set the desired conversion settings. Choose data format with delimiters. Separator character is a tab character. Washed.


Y'all can edit the information and draw border etc. This method of insertion removes the extra characters and prevents deportation of the cells.


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