I am not a mathematics educatee merely have intermediate knowledge because of my engineering background. Recently a educatee asked me that he is having a problem in displaying graph inequalities in Excel. He had a project to submit. My problem was first to understand what one means past saying "How to graph inequalities number line". I was in a situation where a software designer, developing a banking software has to know the banking process better than the banker.

I decided to do some inquiry on how to graph inequalities and post-obit is the upshot.

If you need to graph The equations that are formed by "<=" or ">=" instead of but "=", are termed as "Graphing inequalities".

Below are a few examples:

  1. Graph inequalities for one variable and the picture below are cocky-explanatory. The pictures depict how various conditions of inequalities are represented graphically. Try to understand why some circles are filled with colors and others are not.
Graph inequalities with one variable

2) Equations for 2 variables inequalities and the flick below are self-explanatory. The pictures depict how various conditions of inequalities are represented graphically. Endeavour to understand why unlike area are shaded to depict 2 equations in question.

Graph inequalities with two variables

The student who asked me the question about how to draw graph inequalities in Excel had an equation like to -5X+6Y>12 as shown in the pic above.

I take already discussed how to plot elementary linear equations on Microsoft Excel but today I am going to explicate how to plot inequalities in Excel. I will start with a simple equation and and so extend it to equations dealing with inequalities on Excel. An additional thing that need to be done in depicting inequalities is to draw the shaded surface area below or above the graph depending upon whether the inequality is "<=" or ">=".

In short:

<=: Graph is depicted with dotted line and shaded area is below the graph.

>=: Graph is depicted with a continuous line and the shaded area is in a higher place the graph.

Lookout man the video below to learn how to plot this graph: