
How Can I Increase The Volume On My Tv

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Is the sound on your Television poor? Maybe you tin't hear the dialogue very clearly? Learn the best blaster settings for your TV & other ways to improve the sound.

If I had to proper name the most mutual issue with televisions that I hear regularly, then information technology must exist this; "how practice I fix the audio of dialogue on my Goggle box?".

Many people are delighted with the moving picture on a modern flat-screen Telly. Just, when it comes to the sound, information technology can often exist a disappointing experience.

Now, there are several sound-related things that people complain most when it comes to their TVs. It's not loud enough. There'south non enough bass. Movies don't sound exciting enough.

Merely the about common complaint appears to be – "I can't hear the talking properly".

If that'due south the example, the most common solution is to turn upwards the Boob tube volume… and then the music and sound effects are too loud!

And and so, the wheel begins.

Can't hear the talking – turn it up. Music is as well loud – plough it down. Can't hear the talking…

So, if y'all want to improve the sound of your television – especially for the dialogue – what are the best TV sound settings? And, if that doesn't piece of work, what other options do you have?

Well, hither are some ideas that you tin can try.

Table of Contents

  1. What Is Telly Dialogue?
  2. Why Does the Dialogue on My TV Sound and so Bad?
  3. How to Arrange Your TV Audio Settings
    1. How to Change Your Idiot box Sound Manner
    2. How to Compress Your Tv Volume
    3. How to EQ Your Tv set Sound
    4. TV Sound Settings Summary
  4. How to Upgrade Your Television receiver Speakers
    1. Connect Your Telly to Bluetooth Speakers or Headphones
    2. Connect Your Television receiver to Your Hi-Fi Speakers
    3. Connect Your Idiot box to a Soundbar System
    4. Connect Your Boob tube to a Surroundings Sound System
  5. Conclusion
  6. Frequently Asked Questions

What Is TV Dialogue?

In case you lot aren't sure. The dialogue on a Telly soundtrack refers to the voices. The things people say.

In most cases, this is the most important function of a TV show or moving-picture show. Of course, for things like music videos, then the music is more important.

Simply for the majority of movies, documentaries, dramas, electric current affairs etc. – the most important aspect is the speech.

And so, if y'all can't hear the dialogue very clearly, then yous're not going to get much enjoyment from your show.

Why Does the Dialogue on My TV Sound and then Bad?

1 thing y'all should understand is that there might be several reasons why the dialogue in a TV show isn't clear on your Television set.

These tin can range from:

  • In that location is besides much music and sound effects at the aforementioned time every bit the talking
  • The people talking only don't speak very conspicuously
  • The speakers on your TV aren't very good
  • The location of your TV might cake the sound from the speakers
  • The acoustics in your room might highlight or muffle some frequencies more than others
  • Some shows might be mixed and transmitted in 5.ane surroundings audio. To hear this on your stereo Idiot box speakers, this volition be automatically downmixed to stereo. This can result in a cluttered or unbalanced soundtrack – or, in some cases, some bits might be completely missing.

This is one of the reasons why it can be hard to have a single solution to this problem.

Your issue might just be i of those things. But it might also be a combination of all of them. That's a tricky problem to solve.

If your problem is just that the actors just aren't speaking clearly enough, and then in that location's not much you can do about that – relieve from contacting the culprits on social media and request them to try a bit harder!

However, for most of the other issues, in that location are a few things that yous tin try to make things improve.

And, if the dialogue is clearer, then the player's functioning might piece of work meliorate for you too.

Some solutions will just involve tweaking a few settings on your Idiot box sound carte. Others might require you to spend some coin.

Either way, you should find a solution to your trouble.

How to Adjust Your Boob tube Sound Settings

The kickoff thing to try is to adjust some options in your TV sound settings bill of fare. It can be a quick and easy way to ameliorate the sound of your TV speakers. And, it'south free!

I recently went to my parent'south business firm for a few days, and approximate what was one of the first things I heard when I arrived?

"Oh, past the way, watching our Idiot box is really abrasive. We tin can't hear a discussion anyone is saying. Is there annihilation y'all can do near it?".

Encounter, that's the problem with running a blog about home theater engineering science, your friends and family expect you to have all the answers to their technical issues. Information technology'south a burden, my friends, a terrible burden.

Anyhow, enough of my problems, what did I do about it? Well, grabbed the remote command and dived into the audio settings carte du jour.

Now, my parents currently have a Samsung LED TV from a year or two back. Unless you take the aforementioned Tv, then the chances are that you won't have the same sound options.

However, most TVs these days have comparable audio settings, and then you volition probably take something very similar on your television receiver.

Although in that location are often several different options in the audio settings for your Idiot box, some of them aren't annihilation to do with changing what you hear. So, you need to figure out which ones are of import for altering the sound output.

I would say there are three broad areas to look out for:

  1. Sound Modes
  2. Pinch
  3. Equalization

In different Goggle box brands, these volition be called different things – and they might be spread around the menu in unlike places – but these are the general things you should exist looking for.

The main thing you should think near earlier you start playing around is, what are y'all trying to reach?

Exercise yous want to make the dialogue clearer? Or, practise you just want to make the sound a bit bigger and more than exciting?

Your terminate goal volition determine which are the best settings to change.

Also, y'all may simply need to change just i of these settings – or you might tweak them all. It depends on what gives you the result that you lot want.

1. How to Change Your TV Sound Way

Sound modes are presets that the manufacturer provides to quickly change what you lot hear.

They might not always exist called sound modes – but there will exist a department of different presets.

The default is usually chosen Standard (or something similar) – which is a balanced setting with little EQ or effects. The residue have names similar Sports, Movies, Ambience, Clear Voice and Music.

Sound Mode Setting in TV Sound Menu
Sound mode setting in Television set audio bill of fare

These will be dissimilar for each TV brand but will all do similar things.

At present, information technology may be that these presets are all that you need to change. By selecting ane, you will enable a setting that alters the audio.

Information technology may add equalization, compression or apply a special outcome. Try each one and encounter what y'all think.

Remember – what are y'all trying to achieve?

In my experience, many of the modes are a waste material of time. Simply yous might find one that speedily gets you the sound that y'all actually want. Then, give them a whirl.

For example, sound modes like 'Clear Voice' (or like) are supposed to be for those of you who want to make the dialogue clearer.

The problem is they usually only boost some mid/high frequencies and remove all the bass – so they audio terrible for anything other than a single vocalism.

All the same, maybe that's what you desire?

On the Samsung Goggle box I was working with, I had just iii sound modes:

  • Standard – the default
  • Optimized – gives a more spacious sound for music and effects
  • Amplify – boosts mid and high frequencies

In many cases, if the other audio modes don't requite you what you desire, you would simply leave things on the Standard setting and move on to compression and equalization.

The Amplify setting is a bit like the 'Clear Vocalism' example I gave above. All mid and high frequencies and less bass. I didn't like information technology, only it may work well for hearing-impaired viewers.

In this case, I selected Optimized. This creates a type of virtual surroundings sound.

Now, in most places effectually the web, you lot volition detect people telling you to turn these virtual surround settings off. And, I concord that they don't offer a surround experience comparable to having a proper surround sound speaker system installed in your room.

But I was looking to make the dialogue clearer.

And, what y'all will observe with many virtual surround settings is they push the music and effects away to the far left and right of the stereo image – and endeavour to leave the voices in the center of the image.

This is what I want. To clear a infinite then that the voices have more room to be heard.

Now, you may just not like the overall consequence that virtual surround gives y'all. In this case, don't employ information technology and try something else.

But, if yous are trying to hear the voices clearer on your Telly, give it a get. Information technology may do the trick.

On some TV models, I have seen the virtual surroundings sound every bit a separate card item. You leave the sound fashion every bit standard and and then select the surround effect elsewhere.

Seek and ye shall notice.

Of course, your TV may not accept a virtual surround result. In which case, try ane of the other sound modes – or get out it equally standard and try some compression and EQ instead.

2. How to Compress Your TV Volume

Almost Tv brands will also offer some form of compression. It may be chosen auto book or auto gain control. Something along those lines.

The idea is that it volition compress the sound so that there is less dynamic range betwixt the loud bits and the serenity $.25.

This tin be especially useful if you are watching Tv at night. Information technology helps to avoid abrasive your neighbors and other members of your household with the loud explosions from your action moving-picture show.

Apart from using it for that purpose, it is a setting that in most cases I would not enable.

Auto Gain Control Setting in TV Sound Menu
Auto proceeds control setting in Goggle box audio menu

However, if your aim is to make voices clearer, then a little compression might help. You lot should detect the voices are less likely to be overpowered by audio effects and music.

So, switch it on and see what you think.

Some TVs may offer a couple of unlike levels of auto book. Maybe called Normal and Nighttime. Something similar that.

The Night version volition be the most extreme and and then I would try the Normal version commencement. Just so y'all tin effort and continue some dynamics in the sound.

In my example, I added the motorcar volume to help command the residual between the virtual surround effects and the voices.

three. How to EQ Your TV Sound

In my case, at that place was as well an equalization option with a graphic equalizer.

A graphic equalizer has a fixed range of frequencies that you can heave or cutting in order to change how everything sounds.

You tin make things brighter by increasing the college frequencies. Or, get more than bass past increasing the lower frequencies.

On some TVs, rather than a graphic equalizer, y'all may just go a unproblematic two-stage bass and treble frequency control.

The more options you lot have for controlling sure frequencies, the more control yous have over the sound.

With the Samsung tv set, I didn't change these settings. I decided that the changes I had already made were enough.

However, let'southward take a quick expect at some of the best equalizer settings for your TV if you lot are trying to improve the sound.

You might find that extra EQ works well for you in addition to the sound modes and compression. Or, you may non have some of those options I tried earlier, and so you can try some equalization instead to improve the sound.


Ane thing to recall with equalization is that information technology is often better to cut or reduce frequencies than increase them.

A cut can sound more natural. A boost can sound harsh – and cause distortion.

So, if you desire something to sound brighter, you lot can try removing lower frequencies – rather than boosting the college end.

Likewise, you don't ever need to boost the bass to make something sound full and warmer. Y'all can effort lowering some of the high-cease instead.

Here'southward the cease to my crash course in audio applied science!

A default setting for a graphic blaster will expect something like this:

TV Graphic Equalizer - Default Setting
Telly graphic equalizer: Default setting

The graphic equalizer on your TV may well accept a unlike number of bands – and unlike frequencies.

The default will be set flat like the case higher up. Movement the control upward to boost that frequency – and down to cut it.

The lower frequencies like 150 and 250 Hz are the bass low end. The 8k and 12k loftier frequencies at the other end volition make the sound brighter.

The advantage of an equalizer with more bands is that you accept more control over the audio. It is easier to pinpoint any problem areas.

But you will only have to work with what y'all've got.

If yous are looking to go a general improvement in sound for your TV, and so you lot might want to try a classic smiley face setting similar this one:

TV Graphic Equalizer - Smiley Face Curve
TV graphic equalizer: Smiley face curve

This blazon of EQ curve attempts to work with how our hearing works. At lower volumes, we hear mid-range frequencies better.

A grin EQ setting on a graphic blaster like this will heave the low and high frequencies so that we tin hear them improve. Information technology should aid to make things audio more balanced.

However, don't forget that you are limited by the speakers that you get on your boob tube. At that place's only so much you tin do with modest TV speakers!

Too, you might also be in danger of overpowering the mid-frequencies. This may make voices less clear. So, don't overdo information technology.

If your aim is to simply make dialogue clearer, and so you lot would desire to have a dissimilar approach to EQ.

What are the best TV equalizer settings for dialogue?

Well, the clarity of a voice is constitute in the mid-frequencies – say from 2 kHz to 6 kHz.

Therefore, you tin effort boosting the frequencies available in your graphic equalizer around this area. Something like this:

TV Graphic Equalizer - Dialogue Clarity
TV graphic equalizer: Dialogue clarity

This should assistance to dilate the dialogue and make it cut through better.

Another way of budgeted this is to cut around the 300 – 800 Hz range. While this region tin give warmth to a voice, it can also brand things muddy.

And then, by cutting in this region you might exist able to make voices a little clearer and set up a muffled audio. Like this:

TV Graphic Equalizer - Remove Muddy Sound
TV graphic equalizer: Remove dirty sound

Or, you could try a niggling of both the previous ii options – cut and heave.

The matter you should carry in mind is that y'all are not working in isolation with the voice. In a movie, you will be affecting the frequencies of music and sound furnishings too. And so, effort not to go too far.

One good fob is to make your changes and and then hitting the reset button to quickly remove the EQ (if there is a reset push button). You lot will easily hear the difference in sound when the equalization is suddenly removed.

Of form, you'll need to ready information technology up once again later!

Notwithstanding, accept fun and enjoy beingness a sound engineer for the day. Earlier yous know information technology, you'll be mixing the next album for The Rolling Stones!

Goggle box Sound Settings Summary

One thing to call back is that audio is a very personal experience. It'south hard to go two people agreeing on what sounds adept.

Then, this process should exist seen every bit a trial and error situation. Effort a few changes and see if anybody agrees that information technology sounds amend.

Y'all might discover that only some of the changes I did above work well on your TV – and in your room. You might detect they all do. Only, it'southward not an exact scientific discipline.

Don't be afraid to experiment and find out what works best for you.

If yous desire to find out more about your options for buying a new Tv set, accept a expect at my guide to the best flat screen TVs.

How to Upgrade Your TV Speakers

You may become to the point where you accept that those speakers on your Telly just aren't cutting it. That at that place'south only and then much that you lot can exercise to make things sound ameliorate.

This is certainly a viewpoint I agree with.

If y'all replace your TV audio with some dedicated speakers, so you will definitely get an immediate improvement in the sound of Television receiver shows and movies.

All the same, you lot should also be aware that upgrading your speakers doesn't necessarily solve all the problems that we discussed higher up.

Depending on what you buy, there is still a hazard that yous will even so get some of the same issues of a dingy sound – or sound effects competing with the dialogue – it'south just that it will all be a bit louder!

Then, buying a better speaker arrangement volition help sort many of the problems – but what you purchase tin can too determine the level of control that yous accept over the sound that you lot hear.

And so, what are your options for switching from your Television receiver speakers to improve the sound of your TV?

1. Connect Your TV to Bluetooth Speakers or Headphones

Some of the newer Television receiver models volition back up connecting to a Bluetooth speaker.

In your Boob tube audio bill of fare, there volition be an selection to select the type of speakers used for the audio output. The default will be set to 'TV Speaker'.

Of grade, this just means that you intend to use the built-in speakers that come with the screen.

If you can output the TV audio to Bluetooth, you lot will have an option to select Bluetooth hither. Y'all will then need to go through the pairing process for your speaker.

The Majority K2 2.ane soundbar, pictured below, is a great value soundbar available from Amazon.

Top Budget TV Soundbar

Majority K2 Sound Bar and Wireless Subwoofer

Bulk K2 Sound Bar and Wireless Subwoofer

What Is It: A great value 2.1 soundbar with a wireless subwoofer. If you want a depression-cost way to boost the sound of your Television receiver, this budget model won't break the bank.


  • thirty-inch stereo soundbar
  • Wireless subwoofer
  • HDMI ARC, Bluetooth, optical, stereo RCA and 3.5mm Aux inputs
  • Music, movies and dialogue audio modes
  • 10m Bluetooth range

Cheque AMAZON Toll

It connects via Bluetooth, so you lot can pair this with your Tv set – as long as your TV supports Bluetooth.

It is a two.1 soundbar that comes with a meaty wireless subwoofer for actress bass.

Of course, y'all don't have to apply Bluetooth. This soundbar volition besides connect via HDMI ARC, digital optical, stereo RCA analog and 3.5mm mini-jack – so you have the selection of connecting this to your TV with a wire if y'all prefer.

Something like this Bluetooth soundbar speaker is a relatively cheap and simple way to get better sound from your TV. And, there are plenty of other Bluetooth speakers around that you could apply.

If you prefer, you should besides be able to connect to a pair of Bluetooth headphones instead.

On some TVs, you might demand to pair the Bluetooth device first, before information technology appears equally an available device in the audio output menu.

The advantages of using Bluetooth speakers for your Boob tube audio are:

  • it should sound better than the TVs own speakers
  • you lot might already own a suitable Bluetooth speaker
  • no messy cables to run from the TV

Even so, in that location are also some downsides to using this method:

  • at that place might be a delay betwixt the audio and motion picture on the screen
  • the Bluetooth connection can driblet out and yous demand to reconnect them again
  • the sound quality might non be as good as a hi-fi system, wired soundbar or AV receiver

Equally with all this technology, you demand to decide which is the best solution for your situation.

Tin can I Connect Bluetooth Speakers and Headphones if My Tv Doesn't Support Bluetooth?

As I take just explained, some Goggle box models have built-in support for connecting Bluetooth speakers.

But, even if your TV has built-in Bluetooth, it may not necessarily be able to connect to external speakers and headphones.

And, many TVs don't have Bluetooth at all.

So, does that hateful that you tin can't use external Bluetooth devices to improve the sound of your TV?

No, it doesn't.

You can buy a Bluetooth transmitter that will receive the sound from your Television and then transmit the sound to continued Bluetooth headphones or speakers.

A good example is the Avantree Oasis Plus Bluetooth 5.0 transmitter:

Top Bluetooth Transmitter

Avantree Oasis Plus Bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter Receiver for TV

Avantree Haven Plus Bluetooth five.0 Transmitter Receiver for TV

What Is It: A top-of-the-range Bluetooth transmitter used for sending audio to Bluetooth headphones and speakers - even from devices that don't support Bluetooth.


  • Transmitter: stream whatsoever audio output to Bluetooth headphones & speakers
  • Receiver: connect your mobile device and send audio to the device
  • Works with optical, RCA or AUX connections
  • Supports aptX HD and aptX low latency audio
  • Connect 2 headphones at once
  • The pass-through feature allows for TV audio and Bluetooth headphones simultaneously


The Oasis Plus is a fully featured transmitter that you can connect to your Television set via optical, three.5mm mini-jack or stereo RCA out.

So, you just need to pair your Bluetooth headphones, soundbar or speakers to receive the sound from your TV.

In fact, this model volition output to ii headphones – or a headphone and speaker – at the aforementioned time. It can also human activity as a receiver so that you can send audio from your Bluetooth mobile device to a speaker system.

It supports Bluetooth aptX Low Latency audio which will avoid lip-syncing problems betwixt the audio and picture show. Just exist enlightened that your Bluetooth device will need to support aptX LL for this to piece of work.

If not, then you will get a slight filibuster between sound and moving-picture show. But the filibuster is small and so might not be a problem for everybody.

This transmitter likewise supports Bluetooth aptX Hard disk drive audio for the audiophiles out there.

There are several cheaper Bluetooth transmitters that you lot can buy than this one. However, they volition have some limitations on the connexion types and supported sound formats.

As always, buy the product that best suits your needs.

2. Connect Your Idiot box to Your Hi-Fi Speakers

If you actually desire to go the best sound from your TV, then y'all need to consider connecting it to a better sound arrangement.

In that location are a few ways of doing this – and I mention some others below – merely i of the easiest and cheapest means is to send the audio to your existing hi-fi organization.

Of course, if yous don't already own a hi-fi system, then information technology's not then cheap and piece of cake. But, if you do, information technology's a great manner to ameliorate the sound of your TV.

There are a couple of ways to approach this, merely the master thing to check is if the amplifier for your hi-fi can accept external audio sources.

If it does, and then you can either:

  1. use the sound output on your TV to send audio into your amplifier
  2. connect the sound outputs of your external TV sources – like a DVD role player or cable TV box – directly into the amp

Or, if your amplifier has more than i input, you might want to use a combination of the two.

If you are connecting an external device like a Blu-ray actor so the connection process volition look something like this:

Connecting a Blu-ray player to a stereo amplifier and TV
Connecting a Blu-ray player to a stereo amplifier and TV

Nigh decent hi-fi amps will have connections on the rear for connecting CD players and other audio sources. They will usually be analog stereo RCA connections.

Even meliorate, is if your amplifier has a coaxial or optical digital audio input. This is because the sound output on nearly TVs these days is either digital coaxial or optical.

In that case, yous can make a simple connexion with one cable – from the Television to the amplifier.

If your TV has a digital output, and your amplifier merely has an analog input, then you will need to purchase an optical to analog stereo sound converter box, like the one hither:

PROZOR 192KHz Digital to Analog Audio Converter
PROZOR 192KHz Digital to Analog Audio Converter
Paradigm Credit: PROZOR

These aren't too expensive and will allow you to connect a digital audio output into an analog sound input.

One time you lot have all this connected, you will hear the sound from your TV over your hi-fi speakers. Much better!

Simply behave in mind that some meaty hi-fi systems might not take whatsoever inputs for accepting audio from external devices.

By the fashion, don't forget to refuse the book of your TV speakers. You don't desire the sound coming from two different places.

Some TVs give you an selection to disable the speakers in the sound bill of fare.

You lot will also demand to set the TV audio output menu to PCM or LPCM. This will make sure that the Television receiver sends a stereo audio signal to the converter box.

If you want some more item on all this, take a look at my guide to using stereo receivers in your home theater.

iii. Connect Your Goggle box to a Soundbar System

Some other option for getting better sound from your TV is to buy a soundbar.

Soundbars are compact units with a built-in amplifier and speakers.

I touched on this earlier with the TaoTronics Bluetooth speaker. But, at that place is a big range of soundbars at dissimilar toll points.

All you demand to practise is connect the audio output from your Television receiver into the soundbar – and you lot volition get a much better-balanced sound in your room. Louder too!

Many soundbars will receive the audio from your Television receiver via an optical or HDMI ARC connection. Before you purchase a soundbar, make sure you cheque that your TV has the correct audio output options.

Some higher-end soundbars besides have multiple sound inputs. This can allow you to connect a games console or Blu-ray histrion straight into the soundbar.

Picking up the bespeak from before, if you are trying to improve the dialogue from your TV, then yous tin purchase soundbars that have dedicated center speakers.

Many soundbars are stereo only. This is mostly fine and volition produce a stereo sound much like the stereo speakers on your TV – except with better quality, of grade.

Still, if yous want to improve dialogue, and so a soundbar with a heart speaker should give more separation to the sound that you lot hear in the room.

All-time Small Sonos Soundbar

Sonos Beam (Gen 2) Compact Soundbar

Sonos Beam (Gen ii) Compact Soundbar

  • Updated model
  • 5 Form-D Digital Amplifiers
  • Dolby Atmos, Dolby TrueHD and Dolby Digital Plus audio
  • Dimensions (West x H ten D): 65.1 10 6.8 ten 10 cm
  • Works with Sonos Sub and surround speakers
  • Ethernet, Wi-Fi (802.11 b/yard/n/ac – 2.4 or five GHz) and Apple tree AirPlay 2 network
  • Wall-mountable


For instance, the popular Sonos Beam pictured to a higher place has a center channel speaker congenital into the unit of measurement.

To get the full benefit of the centre channel, yous need to send a Dolby Digital multichannel soundtrack to the soundbar from your source. Y'all might demand to enable this in the audio output menu of the source device.

Some soundbars may have processing similar the virtual environment sound I mentioned before. This can create a multichannel feel from a stereo soundtrack.

This volition make certain the dialogue remains centered while the music and effects play from the left and right speakers.

If the soundbar supports Dolby Surround, so fifty-fifty meliorate. This Dolby processing fashion works really well for converting stereo to multichannel.

Some soundbar systems even come with subwoofers and dedicated rear surroundings speakers.

If yous desire to know more than about this, I have a full guide to the best soundbars for your TV. I give more detailed buying advice and a few suggestions for the best brands to buy.

4. Connect Your Television set to a Surroundings Sound Organisation

Concluding, but not least, we have a full surround sound system.

If you lot really desire the best sound experience in your room, then yous tin can install a surround sound arrangement that will knock your socks off.

Yous have the selection of buying an all-in-one home theater system – which comes with the amplifier and speakers all in one complete package.

Or, if you are feeling really brave, you lot tin purchase an AV receiver (which is the amplifier) and a split up package of environment sound speakers.

In that location's no right or wrong manner to become hither.

Ownership split up components will generally give you the best sound quality. And let you to upgrade individual parts of your system in the future.

An all-in-one organization will often exist cheaper and easier to install. But you lot may need to replace the whole system if y'all want something better in the future.

For all these options, you take cheaper budget options and high-end audiophile systems. The choice is yours.

Whichever style you go, the main advantage of a speaker system with dedicated environs sound speakers is you lot become more control over the sound.

5.1 Surround Sound System
5.ane Surroundings Sound System Layout

v.1 soundtracks will play as intended – without the demand to downmix them to stereo. And, stereo soundtracks tin can be upmixed to environs sound also. These can sound excellent and will give you a much better audio experience.

Y'all also have a dedicated center speaker which gives yous full control over the dialogue level. Considering information technology has so much separation from the other speakers, y'all volition find it much easier to hear the dialogue in any show.

However, if non, y'all can easily raise the book of the center channel so that information technology is a chip louder than the left and right speakers.

If yous're not certain that you want a full surroundings sound arrangement with all those speakers around your room, you do have another option.

You can buy an AV receiver and just connect it to your front end left, middle and forepart right speakers. This is known every bit a three.0 speaker organisation.

You become the advantages of a dedicated center speaker, but less hardware to install in your room.

Of course, you can also add together a subwoofer to this and run a iii.1 system also.

If you lot want to know more virtually all this, I have a few detailed guides on all of these options. So, depending on which blazon of system you want to build, check out the following guides:

  • AV Receiver Buying Guide
  • Environs Sound Speakers Ownership Guide
  • Habitation Theater Systems Ownership Guide

And, if that seems all scrap too complicated, take a look at my guide to connecting speakers to your Television receiver in v easy steps.


If you are having problems hearing the dialogue on your TV, you are not lone. It'due south a very mutual issue with many people.

At that place are several reasons why this is the case, merely one of the main issues is that it'southward very hard to go a adept total sound from Tv speakers.

The speakers on a modernistic flat-screen television are e'er going to struggle to get the sound that the film deserves.

The flat design means there only isn't any room for speakers of a decent size and quality. Unfortunately, information technology's a simple fact that larger speakers will sound meliorate (of grade, some large speakers sound better than others as well!).

You need to be able to drive some air to get a well-counterbalanced sound – and tiny TV speakers but aren't upward to the job.

Even so, it's not all bad news. If you really want to meliorate the sound of your TV, then you lot have several ways to practise it.

And, if tweaking the audio options in your Television carte du jour doesn't get what you want, then you lot have several peachy ways to upgrade to a better sound experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

If y'all are still looking for answers on how to improve your Goggle box's sound, these FAQs cover some more common issues.

How to Turn Downward the Groundwork Music on My Tv set?

There isn't whatever mode of turning down simply the background music on a TV show. If the music is as well loud for the dialogue, go into your TV audio settings and select a sound mode that highlights the voices. Other options are using the car gain setting to compress the audio output or the equalizer to heave the vox frequencies.

What Is the Best Solution for Improving the Sound Quality on My Boob tube?

The all-time mode to improve your Tv set'due south sound is to connect it to some external speakers as these will always audio improve than the congenital-in speakers in your television. Y'all can use a soundbar, a stereo hi-fi amplifier, or an AV receiver if you want surround audio.

Why Is the Background Music Louder Than the Talking on My TV?

It is common for background music to announced louder than the dialogue on a Television testify or movie. One reason is that the modest TV speakers can't reproduce the audio very well. Many modern TV shows have sound soundtracks designed to exist heard on soundbars or larger speaker systems, and information technology is challenging to produce a soundtrack that works on both large and minor speakers. The solution is to use your Boob tube sound menu settings to heave the dialogue's main frequencies or connect your TV to a amend speaker organisation.

Will a Soundbar Improve the TV Dialogue?

In nigh cases, a soundbar will improve the clarity of dialogue on a Tv set because information technology will reproduce the sound better than your Telly speakers. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why the talking tin can be hard to hear, and so some shows may be meliorate than others. If yous buy a soundbar to improve the speaking, look for a model with a centre speaker as this can assist brand the talking clearer.

How to Ameliorate the TV Sound for the Hard of Hearing?

There are several ways y'all tin try to better the audio from your Idiot box if you are hearing dumb. Using the TV'due south audio settings to compress or equalize the sound output can assistance. And, connecting the Tv set'due south audio output to a soundbar or speaker organization can brand things fifty-fifty ameliorate. Finally, y'all could connect the TV sound to wired or wireless headphones, which can significantly help if somebody cannot hear very well.

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How to Improve Your TV Sound & Hear the Dialogue Better

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Nigh Home Movie theatre Guide

Paul started the Habitation Movie theatre Guide to help less-experienced users get the most out of today's audio-visual engineering. He has worked as a sound, lighting and audio-visual engineer for around 20 years. At home, he has spent more than time than is probably healthy installing, configuring, testing, de-rigging, fixing, tweaking, re-installing again (and sometimes using) diverse pieces of howdy-fi and abode cinema equipment.

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How Can I Increase The Volume On My Tv,


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