
How To Increase Chakra Energy

Chakras are oftentimes mentioned in the context of well-being, meditation, and both physical and mental health.

Many presume that merely those with a deep knowledge or all-encompassing training in spiritual practices possess the necessary skills to work with chakras.

Even so the philosophy backside chakras is quite elementary and there are many minor ways in which you can apply it in your daily life, starting today. Nosotros will show you how in this article and how to balance your chakras.

How Do We Define Chakras?

The literal translation of chakra is "bike". More than specifically, chakras can exist defined as "the seven wheels of free energy" that are located in several areas of your spinal column, from the base of your spine to the summit of your head.

The seven chakras are thought to influence our bodily parts and our psychological and spiritual processes, thus playing a major role in our overall health and well-existence.

When each chakra releases the right amount of energy to each area of our torso, our well-being is optimal. It is when i or more chakras move too speedily or too slowly that worrying and uncomfortable health problems ascend. In some cases, a chakra may even go blocked.

Being aware of how chakras work and how they affect our body, psyche, and spirit, allows us to take the necessary steps to residue them and improve our overall physical and mental health.

This can be washed in unlike ways, like introducing new habits or exercises, practising certain forms of yoga and meditation, or changing our diet by removing unhealthy food and including new beneficial foods and beverages, like the organic teas from our BeBetter Chakra Range .

How to Rest Your Root Chakra

The start chakra, also known every bit Root chakra or Muladhara, is located at the base of operations of your spine.

It is the foundational chakra and it affects our groundedness, security, and sense of beingness firmly anchored in reality.

When our Root chakra is properly balanced we feel confident, accomplished, and capable of facing new challenges and meeting new opportunities.

When our root chakra is overactive we may feel uncomfortable emotions like panic, anxiety, and nightmares, as well as physical symptoms like unexplained body aches. In contrast, when our root chakra is underactive, we find it difficult to concentrate and to be in the moment.

Some effective steps that we can accept to cleanse and balance our root chakra include showering, dancing, focusing on your feet while walking, and mentally visualizing a red lite at the lesser of your spine.

Yoga poses that can help us balance our root chakra include the bridge pose, the fierce warrior pose, and lord's day salutations.

Enjoying our Root Chakra Organic Tea is another peachy manner to balance your first chakra. It's a soothing, oriental spice blend containing Ginger, Cinnamon, and Cacao Peel. Earthy and full-bodied with a natural comforting sweetness that will help y'all ameliorate your feeling of groundedness and inner security.

Check out our specialized article on  the root chakra to learn more most it and how to attain the right balance.

How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

The Second Chakra, also known as Sacral Chakra or Svadishana, is located in the centre of our abdomen.

This chakra is directly linked to our imagination, creativity, and ability to express ourselves artistically. Information technology is as well related to our sexuality, pleasance, and enjoyment.

When our Sacral chakra is balanced, we are able to express ourselves creatively and to enjoy the pleasures of life (like sexual practice, skillful nutrient, and art) without exceeding.

When our sacral chakra is overactive we are at a higher take chances of developing addictions. In contrast, nosotros will probably experience colorlessness, resistance to change, and depression sexual drive in the event of an underactive sacral chakra

An unbalanced sacral chakra can besides lead to problems in our urinary tract.

Some effective steps that we can accept to cleanse and balance our sacral chakra include increasing our consumption of seeds, nuts, pumpkin, carrots, and sweet white potato, as well as writing daily well-nigh our feelings in a diary and focusing on the color orange.

Yoga poses that can assist united states of america balance our sacral chakra include the Goddess pose, the reverse warrior pose, and the reclined jump bending pose.

Yous tin likewise assistance remainder your second chakra by drinking our Sacral Chakra Organic Tea . This is a sophisticated Rooibos herbal blend that contains corrupt Cacao Peel and real Bourbon Vanilla to delight your senses and create a unique tea tasting experience. Information technology will help you fully express your emotional and creative side too as your power to connect to others.

Find out more about the sacral chakra in our dedicated Solaris blog commodity.

How to Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The Third Chakra, too known every bit Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura, is located at the superlative of your abdomen.

This chakra affects many important psychological and spiritual aspects like our self-esteem, confidence, determination, and identity.

When our Solar plexus chakra is balanced we experience a strong feeling of independence. We experience empowered and we also experience a sense of wisdom.

When our solar plexus chakra is overactive we are more normally decumbent to anger and may likewise experience problems like lack of empathy and solidarity. In contrast, an underactive tertiary chakra might leave united states vulnerable, needy, and with a poor cocky-image.

An unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra may negatively bear on our digestive organization, likewise as impairment or kidney and liver.

What steps can we take to meliorate the balance of our solar plexus chakra? Engaging in personal development activities, acting from a identify of inner knowing and non what others tell us, trusting our intuition, and experiencing new things.

Several Yoga poses are effective in balancing our solar plexus chakra. These include the opposite plank pose, the reverse half lord of the fishes pose, and the boat pose.

Our Solar Plexus Chakra Organic Tea tin also help yous cleanse your 3rd chakra. Information technology is a stimulating combination of whole foliage Black Tea and authentic Indian Chai Spice that inspires motivation and action.

We as well published an in-depth article on the solar plexus chakra. Check information technology out if yous want to aggrandize your knowledge on this topic.

How to Balance Your Heart Chakra

The Fourth Chakra , also known every bit Middle Chakra or Anahata , is located to a higher place our heart.

This chakra affects our ability to love both ourselves and others. It is directly linked to our empathy and our sense of pity.

When our Eye chakra is counterbalanced, we experience a deep connectedness to others. Nosotros are more willing to offering our genuine aid and agreement to our fellow human being beings, every bit well as existence better at interpreting our own feelings.

When our centre chakra is overactive we tend to brand damaging choices that put the interests of others above our own. In contrast, we will experience alone, isolated, and incapable of connecting to others when our heart chakra is underactive.

An unbalanced Heart Chakra may besides lead to high blood pressure and puts pressure on our immune arrangement

There are simple steps we can have in our daily life to help residuum our heart chakra. These include reciting positive dear affirmations, increasing the presence of the colour green or pink in our daily lives, and eating more leafy greens, broccoli, and light-green apples.

Yoga poses that have a positive impact on our heart chakra include the bow pose, the bridge pose, the upward facing dog pose, and the bicycle pose.

Another great mode to cleanse this chakra is trying our Heart Chakra Organic Tea . This uplifting herbal tea blend with Chamomile, Lemon Verbena, Fennel, and Rose is soothing, comforting & promotes a gentle feeling of ease and content.

Other interesting data and tips on the heart chakra tin be institute in our dedicated article.

How to Balance Your Throat Chakra

The Fifth Chakra , also known as Pharynx Chakra or Vishudda , is located in the center of our throat.

The Throat chakra is linked to our ability to communicate our thoughts, emotions, and inner states to the outside world. It affects our sincerity, genuineness, and honesty.

When our throat chakra is balanced we are able to communicate our needs, opinions, and views to others in a clear, direct, and appropriate way.

This chakra may become overactive when nosotros feel that our presence and voice are not being considered or respected by the outer earth, which can lead us to interrupt others or to raise our vocalisation. Yet some of us may react to the same situation past censoring our inner voice and ending up becoming shy, reserved, or excessively compliant with other people'south views, opinions, and emotions. In this latter scenario, our pharynx chakra is underactive.

An unbalanced Throat Chakra may likewise lead to a feeling of discomfort in our pharynx as well as to pain in our neck.

Some easy steps that nosotros can accept to cleanse and residue our throat chakra include neck stretches, focusing our breath, increasing the presence of the color blue in our life, and keeping a journal to regularly express emotions and remain in touch with our inner life.

Yoga poses that accept a positive impact on our throat chakra include the cat and moo-cow pose, the fish pose, the cobra pose and the bow pose.

Our Pharynx Chakra Organic Tea tin can besides help you cleanse your fifth chakra by helping you remove balmy irritation of the pharynx. Information technology is a refined herbal alloy, with citrus meridian notes, containing Lemongrass, Hibiscus & Ginger and it has a soothing and energising effect.

Don't forget to check out our article on the throat chakra to learn more than about this chakra.

How to Balance Your Third Eye Chakra

The Sixth Chakra , also known equally Third Eye Chakra or Ajna , is located betwixt our eyebrows.

It affects our perception, our intuition, and the way we see both our outer and inner globe. Information technology is linked to our power to understand the bigger picture.

When our Third Eye chakra is balanced we feel in tune with the earth and we are able to effectively process the information that nosotros receive from all seven senses.

An overactive tertiary centre chakra is quite rare only it can occur. In this event, we will experience alienated from the fabric world and from the human experience. In dissimilarity, when our third eye chakra is underactive, we are often unable to resort to our intuition to make sense of the surrounding world. In this instance we say that our third eyes is "airtight".

An unbalanced Third Heart Chakra can also cause insomnia and difficulty in learning new things.

Some actions that we tin can take to balance our tertiary eye chakra include meditation, aromatherapy, improving the quality of our sleep, and increasing our consumption of blueberries, cabbage, and eggplants.

Yoga poses and practices that have a positive impact on our third center chakra include alternate nostril animate, broad-legged forward fold, and child's pose.

Our Third Eye Chakra Organic Tea is a soothing, cleansing, and caffeine-free herbal blend with Peppermint, Nettle and Fennel that tin can help you cleanse and balance your Third Eye chakra.

On our web log, we defended an entire article entirely dedicated to the third eye chakra. Cheque it out for more than information.

How to Balance Your Crown Chakra

The Seventh Chakra , besides known as Crown Chakra or Sahawara , is located at the top of your caput.

The Crown chakra is the most mysterious of all chakras. It's related to our consciousness energy and is essential in attaining inner peace and a life we are deeply satisfied with.

Crown chakra rest is not easy to achieve and it translates into a deep feeling of joy, glory, and fulfillment. We are in tune with the universe and its true beauty. Achieving such a residuum is the final goal of our spiritual journey.

There is no such thing every bit an overactive crown chakra while an underactive crown chakra merely ways beingness man. Depending on your current stage in your spiritual path, you may be closer or less close to achieving crown chakra residue.

Pursuing your spiritual development through a number of practices similar yoga and meditation is the nigh effective way to move closer to balancing the crown chakra.

Our Crown Chakra Organic Tea can be a good addition to your practices aimed at balancing the crown chakra. Information technology is based on an authentic Indian Chai recipe blended with our premium, first, flush Green Tea. Information technology is vibrant and invigorating, while at the aforementioned time purifying and calming.

If yous want to know more about the crown chakra, you lot can check this other article from our blog.


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