
How To Increase Protein Synthesis

Man preparing a supplement protein shake in his kitchen


If y'all're looking to add mass, muscle growth requires a delicate balance of muscle buildup and muscle breakdown. Muscle buildup is technically known as muscle protein synthesis. This involves the assembling of amino acids into the proteins that brand upwards muscle fibers. Musculus breakup involves the removal of amino acids from these proteins. Most bodybuilders make the mistake of focusing only on muscle buildup (synthesis) past using supplements that primarily heave poly peptide synthesis. Yet impeding musculus breakdown, technically known every bit catabolism, is but every bit important as increasing muscle poly peptide synthesis.

That'southward because muscle growth occurs only when muscle protein buildup increases at a greater rate than musculus protein breakdown. To mix our metaphors a bit, a good analogy is a brick wall, where the bricks symbolize amino acids. If you add 3 bricks to the wall (protein synthesis) but five bricks fall off (catabolism), the wall gets smaller. If you add together five bricks and simply three bricks fall off, the wall gets bigger.

Supplements that increase protein synthesis act like a mason adding bricks to a wall—they help to add together more bricks (amino acids) to your muscles and build them up. Supplements that prevent musculus breakup act like mortar that'southward added to the wall to keep bricks from falling off. And then past preventing amino acids from being taken away from your muscles, these supplements help your muscles grow by allowing synthesis (buildup) to prevail and muscle growth to occur. To maximize your muscle growth, yous need to know which supplements increase protein synthesis, which ones decrease muscle breakdown and which ones do both. Here is your definitive guide to maintaining this fragile balance and then you lot stay in positive muscle-growth mode.


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